Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway and new perspectives of business in Tricity

Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway - a picture of Gdańsk with a marked line of PMR route from Wrzeszcze to Niedźwiednik, source: pkm-sa.pl
Aerial photograph of Gdańsk with a marked line of PMR route in the area of Gdańsk airport, source: pkm-sa.pl
JLL, an international consulting company, prepared a report titled „Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway – new perspectives of Pomeranian real estate market”. Will a railway influence on improvement in Tricity business and enhance the situation on real estate market?

The investment attractiveness of the region is determined by access to qualified staff and modern office areas. However, the equally important factor which has an impact on decision of the investor concerning choosing a location is developed technical and transport infrastructure of the region. At present, Tricity is a large construction site and infrastructural businesses, which are being realized now, will confirm the role and attractiveness of Tricity in the eyes of investors. The most important projects, which are currently being carried out, include: Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway and development of ports in Gdańsk and Gdynia, building of Tunnel under Dead Vistula, Northern Bypass of the Tricity Agglomeration and SKM Gdańsk Śródmieście – believes Marcin Faleńczyk, Assistant Manager in Invest in Pomerania.     


According to experts in JLL, Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway is the most important infrastructural investment in Tricity. It will connect Gdańsk and Gdynia with the airport in Rębiechowo. Currently, a building of a fragment between Gdańsk Wrzeszcze station and surroundings of Rębiechowo station with the length of 18 km is being carried out. Its opening is planned on September this year. Several stations will be located on this route: Wrzeszcze, Strzyża, Niedźwiednik, Brętowo, Jasień, Kiełpinek, Matarnia, Port Lotniczy and Rębiechowo. Moreover, a modernization of existing 201 railway line, which connects Gdynia Główna Osobowa with the airport in Gdańsk, Kartuzy and Kościerzyna, is being realized simultaneously. It will be integrated with PMR and stations like Osowa, Karwiny and Stadium will be placed there.    


The opening of a fast railway connection of Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway from Gdańsk and Gdynia to Żuków, Kartuzy or Kościerzyna will shorten the arrival of employees from Kaszuby to Tricity. It is worth noticing that the development of office market in the agglomeration is driven by a sector of modern services for business and young people definitely dominate in this industry because they belong to a group of travellers who very often use a public communication. It means that PMR will indirectly support development of services for business by increasing the accessibility of Tricity for managements from neighboring cities. As a result, the regional attractiveness will increase for companies from industry for which the possibilities of labor market are the most important criteria while choosing a location – comments Magdalena Reńska, Director in Tricity JLL Department.  


The opening of Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway will also increase the impact of Tricity in southwest part of the agglomeration as well as in Kartuzy County and Kościerzyna County. Moreover, it will have a significant influence on development of real estate market by increasing the inflow of inhabitants from outskirts of the agglomeration to the city center.


The largest agglomeration of modern office buildings in Tricity is located in the region of Wrzeszcze and Oliwa. The Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway strengthens existing office locations, that is Wrzeszcze in Gdańsk or surroundings of Łużycka Street in Gdynia – thanks to Stadium station. Furthermore, it has a chance to expedite the realization of development concerning areas located near the airport in Gdańsk – adds Magdalena Reńska, JLL.


PMR will be also a factor contributing to integration of other means of transport in Tricity, especially a track transport. The role of Wrzeszcze station will be strengthened as an interchange point with agglomeration range and additional multitude of PMR passengers will supply the existing means of transport, including SKM, increasing communicational accessibility to properties located near this line. PMR will also contribute to decrease in load in Tricity by vehicular traffic, especially in East-West direction, because it has a chance to encourage the great number of people to change their transport on public communication.  


Tricity is now the only one, except for Warsaw, public center in Poland, in which there is a completely separated track communication system and thanks to the opening of a new line of PMR, it will reach a higher level of public quality concerning transport. Apart from obvious communicational benefits which the new line will bring to the city and influence on development of real estate market, the marketing effect is also crucial. The investments in public railway infrastructure result in increase concerning prestige of the cities. It is difficult to measure it, however, it translates itself into growth in awareness of Tricity brand among foreign investors. The investment like this provokes positive associations such as modernity, dynamism, sustainable development and it also emphasizes a metropolitan character of the agglomeration. Moreover, the fact that PMR will service the airport is also essential. It may result in better perception of this place by, for instance, some airlines which are currently planning their development in this region – sums up Jan Jakub Zombirt, Senior Market Analyst, JLL.  


The JLL report was prepared with support of Invest in Pomerania and REAS company. 

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